Tuesday, September 12, 2017 Many RVs serve as travel homes. They allow many practical living conveniences while owners are on the road. RVs vary, but they often come with many of the conveniences of any other home. These may include TVs, bathrooms, kitchens and various appliances. Within each of these conveniences also lies a risk. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 8, 2017 Motorcycle insurance is a great tool for protecting yourself and your bike in the event of an accident. But what about when you're not out on the open road? Did you know that motorcycles are a popular target for theft? Without the right protection, you could end up losing your bike in this situation, or paying out of pocket to replace stolen parts. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 A fire is one of the most frightening hazards you could face on a boat. A blaze could threaten both your safety and that of your passengers. And a hull fire could devastate your finances. Boat insurance will likely cover you should an accidental fire occur aboard your craft. READ MORE >>
Friday, June 9, 2017Every homeowner knows the risks that owning a home can bring. Your home could face any number of natural disasters, depending on your location. These might include floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires or earthquakes. When disaster strikes, the first thing to consider is the safety of all family members. READ MORE >>
Monday, May 8, 2017Your background plays a big role in how much you pay for auto insurance. Factors such as your driving habits and your credit score can play a role. Even your gender can impact how much you pay for car insurance. There's often not much you can do about the impact of gender on insurance rates. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 18, 2017Flooding is a high risk in many areas. Yet, most standard property insurance plans — including home insurance policies — specifically do not cover floods. There is a valid reason why flood insurance is generally excluded from standard insurance policies. By nature, flooding brings a high damage toll. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 17, 2017If you're moving into a rented home, you are assuming risks for both the rented space and your personal property. By moving into a rental, you are using a combination of the home and your personal effects to make a house a home. But, the home doesn't belong to you. You only carry a lease to live there. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 7, 2017With every contracting job, there comes a certain amount of risks. When you hire a contractor, you are essentially outsourcing a part of your business to that group. If you run a construction business, you likely have to contract some of the work to other businesses. You may have to hire contractors to pour cement or lay brick. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, January 10, 2017A disaster can be either man-made or caused by natural occurrences. No matter the cause, if a disaster occurs, the effects can devastate your business. You might face expensive property damage. A disaster or peril might even eviscerate your source of income. Without income, and facing damages from disasters, you could lose your business. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 12, 2016The thought of losing a close family member like a child or spouse is likely the last thing you want to face. However, if someone does pass away unexpectedly, that can leave many holes in your life — emotionally but also financially. In these difficult times, financial problems shouldn't be part of the picture. READ MORE >>
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