Tuesday, November 19, 2019 It's been more than a decade since there was a big market correction. But the negative effects still linger for many. It's uncertain when another one will occur, but it's wise to make sure your financial affairs are in order. This will help you to get through the down times — whether you work fewer hours or lose your job. READ MORE >>
Friday, August 23, 2019 You have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to life insurance. Once you decide if coverage is a good investment for your family, you next need to compare the types of policies available to you. One such option is universal life insurance. For some people, it offers a few key features that are hard to overlook. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 15, 2019 Buying term life insurance can be a very valuable investment for you and your family. It is not always an easy decision, though. There are plenty of policies out there. Many companies can confuse you when it comes to deciding which is right for your needs. Yet, procuring coverage does not have to be complex. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 9, 2018 Your loved one is missing. You've done everything you can to find them. The police have had no luck. In a situation like this, it can be hard to move forward. But, sometimes, life insurance can help you with certain aspects, particularly financial ones. It is not easy to file a life insurance claim for a missing person. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 22, 2018 A loved one dying is never an easy time. Along with grieving, the bereaved need to form a new way of living day-to-day emotionally. But, for those who lose a loved one they relied on financially, these losses can be even more worrisome. Life insurance is a tool that helps minimize that financial burden. READ MORE >>
Monday, March 12, 2018 When you apply for life insurance, your prospective insurer might ask you to submit to a medical exam. This physical might prove beneficial to your qualifications for coverage. Think twice before looking into life insurance policies that do not require medical exams. For some people, these policies are extremely beneficial. READ MORE >>
Friday, December 8, 2017 There is nothing more alarming than learning you have a potentially life-threatening disease. Heart disease is one of the most common of these diseases. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that 610,000 people in the U.S. die every year from heart disease. That accounts for about 25 percent of all deaths. READ MORE >>
Monday, December 12, 2016The thought of losing a close family member like a child or spouse is likely the last thing you want to face. However, if someone does pass away unexpectedly, that can leave many holes in your life — emotionally but also financially. In these difficult times, financial problems shouldn't be part of the picture. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 27, 2015When it comes to considering life insurance as an investment, you’ve probably heard the adage, “Buy term and invest the difference.” This advice is based on the idea that term life insurance is the best choice for most individuals because it is the least expensive type of life insurance and leaves money free for other investments. READ MORE >>
Friday, February 13, 2015Some insurance companies offer only one type of insurance, while others offer many different types. Insurance buyers often receive a discount if they buy all or many of their insurance policies from the same company. Bundling often presents value to policyholders, but there are times when it does not. READ MORE >>
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